Friday, February 27, 2009

Too Much Talent/ Come see my stuff

So we officially had the opening for the Too Much Talent art show, and it was a blast. I want to thank everyone who was able to come out, it was amazing being able to hang with you all! Also, Gab rules for putting on yet another amazing production. I didnt take much for pictures, which I am sort of bummed about... I think it was because I was being handed free drink tokens and since my mind was on a one way ticket to smashed-ville, I forgot!

The art will be up for a few months, so get check it out while you still can!
6740 greenleaf ave

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Went to fingerprints and picked up this 82' pressin of my favorite dk song


perversion, gore, and women 会田 誠 !

Yesterday in my asian art history class, one of my fellow students did a presentation on the Japanese contemporary artist Makoto Aida. I mean I really had to be moved by his work to be writing about it in my blog right? So apparently this 44 year old western-civilization loathing man has certain feelings about socitey/amercian ideals, and you can totally read it in his paintings. He also seems to have a strange obession with women, demoralizing them, school girls, gore, so on and so forth. Take for example his amputee girl, blender, or harajuku girls: they all catch your eye, and are totally fucked.

He also talks about the amercian launguage being pushed in Japan and his resufal to learn it.. and as for the bin laden image? Well its actually a clip from a short film he did, where he talks about quitting terrorism because he found himself in japan. If you dig his stuff or want to look into what he has to say more, feel free to google him, because I sure as hell had a hard time getting anything.

Friday, February 20, 2009

everyones a little queer, oh can't you be a little straight?

So there I was laying in bed, lazy with my laptop when tat tells me shes coming over so we can do something. When I hung up the phone I quickly realized I had nothing to do, I kinda smelled, and was lethargic as all hell. But all in all, I did want to go out- so we did. She happened to call her friend and told us about some joint in little tokyo, where there was art, dj, dancing and most importantly booze- which seemed like a wonderful combination! Well, all of those things were there but her friend forgot to mention, it was a lesbian bar. Ok ok, dont get me wrong- I have nothing against people who perfer the same sex, I would just like to be forwarned so I can realize what im getting myself into, and it was my first time at a lesbian bar..

Gay or straight, it kinda sucked. The music was so so, the drinks over priced, and not enough people to even halfway fill the dance floor. However, in the corner of the room there was a dude who went by the name, Mr. HOODbrush... and he was an airbrush artist. Yes, airbrush. Figuring it was free, and I really had no other source of entertainment- tat and I decided to get each others names airbrushed on our bodies, in respect of the facility that we were in.

So thats what we did, and for a second there I thought the whole room was staring at us thinking we were either:
a) ridiculous
b) awesome
c) totally lame because we have an airbrush artist working on us.

I choose all of the above.

So if you feel as though this type of place is your thing, or you want to hire Mr. Hoodbrush for a party heres the info:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

get cultured

So tonight alex and I went and saw the Awaji Puppet Theater Company with live chanting and shamisen music accompaniment. First off, the drive there was ridiculous. I got a flat, when we showed up we had no cash, ran to the nearest atm, and was hoping that there were other worldly puppet previews Ex: Swedish puppet preview with talks of silk clothing, African puppet previews, anything really- just so we wouldnt be late.... So we finally scrounge up enough cash and get our asses in there. The first thing I wanted was a beer, but the show escort guy gave me some tude' because the show 'had started' and I had to tuck my drinking habits away.

It was very interesting, and I can honestly say I had never experienced something like that before. But thank god no one was with Alex and I, because we were laughing at the most ridiculous things. Not to mention during the intermission we were in midst of farmer hoggett from babe, and I was LOVING IT. Not only did we sing the songs he danced to, but whenever we would turn and look to double check, he would just smile at us.

So If you decide you would like to soak yourself in some Japanese folk puppetry, its showing for one more night at the dinsey music hall.

Roy Abd Edna Disney/Calarts Theater
631 w. 2nd st
Los Angeles
Scope it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

6740 art show

Gab is an awesome dude and has approached myself and some fellow dudes to put our artwork in the 6740 in uptown whittier. You see he also put together a community art show called 'Tropical Apartments' in the summer of 08, which was only one night but a blast nonetheless. The reason why this is different is because the works will be up for a few months... After many years of going to this bar and veiwing/judging the artwork on the walls, I can finally be viewed and judged. How exciting/nervewrecking. Oh, and there will also be pictures of myself done by Tony for sale.

There is no flyers yet, but I will make sure to put some up whenever I get the chance.
Here is the flyer from the past summer show

As for the Art I've decided to put up...

I usually like to venture in the the realm of experimental artmaking: meaning I'll try anything with anything, and using everything ( that I can get my hands on). However, I am currently enrolled in a printmaking class and we are in the process of creating linoleum prints. This is a first for myself, and I am proud to have them displayed!

So here is a taste and you should go see them all when theyre displayed.

The opening of the show is on the 28th of Feb.
Come on, I'll buy you a beer.

so ive decided

I've decided that I needed a certain site to horde my collections of paintings/drawings/ thoughts/rants/etc

This should do just fine